
UAE Removes 30% Tax on Alcohol, makes Alcohol Licenses Free for Non-Muslim Residents and Tourists

It is important to note that the removal of the 30% tax on alcohol and the free alcohol license only applies to non-Muslims who are resident in the UAE or tourists visiting the country. It is illegal for Muslims to purchase, possess, or consume alcohol in the UAE and they are not eligible for an alcohol license.   Additionally, it is important to consume alcohol responsibly and in accordance with the UAE's laws and cultural norms. This means drinking in licensed venues or in private residences with a valid alcohol license, and avoiding public intoxication or any behavior that might cause offense or harm to others.   It is also important to note that the sale and consumption of alcohol is prohibited during certain religious holidays and events in the UAE, such as Ramadan, and there may be additional restrictions or regulations in place during these periods. It is advisable to check with local authorities or your alcohol license provider for guidance on any such restrictions.


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