

The Federal Decree-Law No. 10/2019 On the Protection from Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence Law) has been issued to fight against domestic violence, protect the privacy of life, and correct behaviors that are harmful to the family. Domestic violence encompasses any action, expression, wrongdoing, mistreatment, or intimidation carried out by one family member against another, surpassing the authority, care, control, influence, or obligation bestowed upon them, and resulting in physical, mental, sexual, or financial detriment. The individuals to whom this law applies are husband, wife, sons, grandsons; sons from another marriage; parents of either spouse; relatives up to the fourth degree by blood or marriage; and individuals under the care of a foster family as outlined in relevant statutes. Under this law the public prosecutor is given the power to issue protection orders i.e. to order the abuser to refrain from causing harm to the victim, avoiding specified locations designated for the victim's safety, abstaining from damaging personal belongings or harming any family member of the victim, permitting the victim or an authorized individual to access necessary personal belongings, and incorporating any additional measures deemed necessary by the Public Prosecution to ensure the effective protection of the victim or individuals at risk due to their association with the victim. The protection order has a duration of 30 days, with the possibility of an extension for two additional periods, each not exceeding 60 days. Breaking the protection order could mean up to 3 months in jail or a fine between AED 1,000 to AED 10,000. If the abuser breaks the order against someone else, the consequences will be harsher. As per the law, the punishment for domestic violence is a maximum of 6 months imprisonment or a fine of up to AED 5,000 or both. These consequences do not exempt the possibility of facing stricter penalties as defined in other laws. Additionally, if the abuser engages in domestic violence again within one year of a previous offense, the court may impose a harsher penalty.


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